Louis Napoleon, King of Holland, 1806-1810

A French King in Holland

For a short time Holland had a French king: Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1778-1846) was King of Holland from 1806 until 1810. He was the younger…
Nienhuys mansion, Herengracht 380-382, Amsterdam

Nienhuys Mansion

At Heren­gracht 380-382 an opulent building from 1891, designed by architect Abraham Salm (1857-1915) as residence for wealthy tobacco planter…
Felix Meritis, Amsterdam

Felix Meritis (Keizersgracht 324)

Felix Meritis (Happy through Merit) is a building at Keizers­gracht 324, named after an intellectual society of the same name, established in 1776.…
Industrieele Groote Club, Amsterdam

Industrieele Groote Club

Inside the Industria building from 1916 on Dam square, corner with Rokin, is the Konink­lijke Indus­trieele Grote Club (Royal Industrial Grand…
Postzegelmarkt, Amsterdam


The Postzegelmarkt (Stamp Market) is a small square located on the southern part of Nieuwe­zijds Voor­burg­wal. In the 16th century it…
Muiderpoort, Amsterdam

Muiderpoort (Muiden Gate)

The Muider­poort is an old city gate from 1770, once part of Amster­dam's defense system, on Alexander­plein (Alexander Square) near Artis Zoo.…
Embassy of the Free Mind, Keizersgracht 123, Amsterdam

Embassy of the Free Mind

At Keizersgracht 123, in the beautiful Huis met de Hoofden from 1622, you can visit the Embassy of the Free Mind, a unique museum, library and…
Plancius neighborhood, Amsterdaam

Plancius neighborhood

The Plancius neigh­bor­hood grew out of the original Western Islands buildings along the Nieuwe Teer­tuinen and the two former bastions of…
Pontsteiger to NDSM, Amsterdam

From Pontsteiger to NDSM Wharf

Amsterdam ferries are a free service, recom­mended if you want to get some air and space and feel the wind in your hair after walking in the city.…
Huis met de Hoofden, Amsterdam

Huis met de Hoofden

At Keizers­gracht 123 you can see a beautiful 17th century building on a double canal lot, with six prominent heads on the façade. It is…
Sloterdijkermeer allotment park, Amsterdam

Tuinpark Sloterdijkermeer

Allotment garden Tuin­park Sloter­dijker­meer at Sloter­dijker­weg 20 dates from 1936 and is part of the so-called gardens of…
City Pawn Bank, Amsterdam

Stadsbank van Lening (City Pawn Bank)

The Amsterdam Stadsbank van Lening (City Pawn Bank) is a not-for-profit city pawn shop dating from 1614 at Oude­zijds Voor­burg­wal 300,…