ArtZuid 2021 sculpture route, Amsterdam

ArtZuid 2021

The two-yearly Sculpture exhibition ArtZuid (ArtSouth) is an outside sculpture route in the lush green Amsterdam Zuid neighbour­hood, open from July 1st until October 17th 2021. This version is named Imagine, after John Lennon’s song from exactly 50 years ago.

The Plan Zuid (Plan South) neigbour­houd was designed by architect Berlage and built between 1917 and 1925 — it was designated as a protected city scape in April 2018. Seventy sculptures by fifty artists are placed along a 5 km (3.1 mi) stretch, centered around the Minerva­laan and Apollo­laan. A pavillion on Minerva­laan 1 sells route maps, catalogues and merchandise.

Website ArtZuid 2021:

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