The Building at Spui 10A
At Spui 10A you find a building created in 1891-1892 for furniture and carpet shop H.F. Jansen, designed in Eclectic (new French Renaissance) style…

Amsterdam’s Town Patroness
A virgin or maiden (in the sense of an unmarried independent woman) as a representation of a town has been a theme since ancient times —…

Oude Kerk
Located on the Oudekerksplein in the Red Light District, the Oude Kerk (Old Church) is the city’s oldest surviving building. Around 1213 there…

The Entrepotdok (Warehouse Dock) on Kadijkseiland (Dock Dike Island) in the eastern part of Amsterdam consist of 84 monumental warehouses,…

The House on Three Canals
Near the entrance of the former Binnengasthuis (until 1981 the biggest inner city hospital, now part of the University of Amsterdam), you can…

Portuguese Synagogue
The building of the Portuguese Synagogue, between Meester Visserplein and Jonas Daniël Meijerplein, in the middle of Amsterdam's former…

De Papegaai
On the busy shopping street Kalverstraat (Calf Street) at number 58 you can find a former Catholic hidden church (schuilkerk), nicknamed…

De Hallen
The complex of De Hallen (The Halls) in the Kinkerbuurt neighbourhood is a cultural center inside a former tram depot from early 1900.…

The triangular Bellamyplein (Bellamy Square) in the western part of town, between Bilderdijkkade and Ten Katestraat, was constructed…

On the Oudebrugsteeg 7, corner with the Damrak, lies the Accijnshuis (Excise House) from 1638. It once stood on the open water…

Sint Olofskapel
The Sint Olofskapel (Saint Olof's Chapel) at Zeedijk 2A, near the Sint Olofspoort alley, is one of the oldest chapels in Amsterdam.…

P.W. Janssenhofje
This courtyard in the Da Costa neighbourhood opened in 1895. Created to house poor families and single persons of all creeds,…