Haarlemmerpoort, Amterdam, King Willem II

The Haarlemmerpoort (Haarlem Gate)

The current Haarlemmer­poort at the Haarlemmer­plein is actually the fifth Amsterdam City Gate in the direction of Haarlem. The earlier gates were…
Huygenika mural, Amsterdam Oud-WEst


On a blind wall of the former Wilhelmina Gasthuis hospital on the Tweede Constantijn Huygens­straat you can see a mural called Huygenika, made by Uri…


Between the Nieuwendijk and the Damrak lies a stunning arcade well worth a visit, the Beurs­passage (Exchange Passageway). The arcade is a 450 square…
Scheepvaarthuis, Prins Hendrikkade, Amsterdam

The Shipping House (Scheepvaarthuis)

In 1912 six Amsterdam shipping companies joined forces and commissioned the build of the Scheepvaart­huis (Shipping House) as a shared head office.…
Zeedijk, Amsterdam

About the Zeedijk

The Zeedijk (Sea Dike) is one the oldest streets in Amsterdam. It was constructed in the early 13th century as an actual dike to protect Amsterdam…
Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 27-29 in Amsterdam

The Trippenhuis

The Trippenhuis has the widest canal house facade in Amsterdam. In 1450 the current location of the Trippenhuis was still outside the Amsterdam city…
Hermitage Amsterdam, exhibition The Glitter of the Russian Court

Hermitage, the Glitter of the Russian Court

The Hermitage, located on Amstel 51, on the banks of the Amstel River, is a branch museum of the Hermitage Museum of Saint Peters­burg, Russia.…
Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, front view

Allard Pierson Archeological Museum

The Allard Pierson houses the collections of the former Allard Pierson Museum and the Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam.The museum…

A Hidden Church in a Canal House

On the edge of the Red Light District, on the corner of the Oude­zijds Voorburg­wal 40 and the Heintje Hoek­steeg, there is a church hidden…
Amsterdam, Burcht van Berlage, internal view hallway second floor

Berlage’s Fortress

The Union building of the General Diamond Workers Union of the Netherlands (Algemene Nederlandse Diamant­bewerkers Bond) was soon nicknamed "Berlage's…

The Houses of the Seven Nations

Just off the Vondelpark, in the Roemer Visscher­straat, you can find a curious architectural gem: seven adjacent houses, with each house representing…
Wall with pictures, Foundling Exhibition at Amsterdam City Archives

Foundlings in Amsterdam

The Foundlings exhibition at the Amsterdam City Archives – July 2020. Nowadays, a foundling always makes headline news. It’s rare…